Logic is the study of the laws and forms of thinking. A human being is a dual being of mind and body, which are both governed by certain laws and forms. The body maintains its healthy condition through its physiological functions, which are under the rule of certain laws and forms.
Blood, for example, circulates throughout the whole body, supplying nutrients and oxygen to the terminal cells and tissues under these laws and forms. This means that blood supplies nutritious elements and oxygen to the whole body through the “form” of circulation. Perception and response in the human body are carried out with the signals transmitted through the centripetal and centrifugal nerves. This means that perception and response is carried out through the “form” of transmission of signals in the nerves. In the blood, chemical reactions are always taking place with the catalytic action of oxygen. These reactions are taking place under certain laws. The blood flow is also under the fluid dynamic. Thus, the physiological functions in the human body are carried out under certain laws and forms.
In a similar manner, our thinking is carried out under certain laws and forms. It may seem that we think freely without being restricted by any forms or laws, but this is not the case. Since the time of Aristotle, who is considered to be its founder, formal logic has dealt with the laws and forms commonly associated with thinking, which contains various contents. In contrast to this, the dialectic of Hegel and Marx dealt with the laws and forms in the process of development both of thinking and of nature.
In this chapter, I will first outline certain traditional systems of logic, focusing especially on formal logic and Hegelian logic. Then, I will introduce the system of logic as established on the basis of Unification Thought. Finally, I will examine traditional systems of logic from the perspective of Unification Thought.