Nietzsche on Christianity: Paul’s transformation of ‘evangel’ into ‘dysangel’

Note 11. To the Subsection “2.2. A Unification Thought Appraisal of Nietzsche’s View of the Human Being

Nietzsche asserted in “The Antichrist” that Paul had changed “evangel” into “dysangel,” and Jesus’ teachings into a kind of teaching for after death.
Nietzsche said as follows: “I tell the genuine history of Christianity. The very word ‘Christianity’ is a misunderstanding: in truth, there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross. The ‘evangel’ died on the cross. What has been called ‘evangel’ from that moment was actually the opposite of that which he had lived: ‘ill tidings,’ a dysangel” (The Portable Nietzshe, 612). He also said the following: “Paul simply transposed the center of gravity of that whole existence after this existence―in the lie of the ‘resurrected’ Jesus” (Ibid., 617).