Note 31. To the Subsection “Protoconsciousness”
Numbers and laws are in inseparable relationships, as shown in the following:
One = absolute
Two = relative
Three = Origin-Division-Union
Four = Four Position Foundation
Five = metal, wood, water, fire, and soil
Six = number of creation
Seven = perfection, Sabbath
Eight = new start
Nine = 3 multiplied by 3
Ten = Return
The following examples also show that numbers exist with laws or principles.
the number of human vertebra
the breathing rate
the pulse rate
body temperature
the four seasons of the year
the three months of a season
the thirty (or thirty one) days of a month
the twenty four hours of a day
the sixty minutes in an hour
the sixty seconds in a minute
the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter ( π = 3.14 ).