Note 7. To the Subsection “1. Weaknesses in the Christian View of Value”
After World War II, the less developed world obtained independence politically; economically, however, it still depends on the developed world and can not get out of the state of underdevelopment. Dependency Theory grasps this situation as a relationship between central and peripheral nations, and interprets it as a projection, on an international scale, of the class confrontation of capitalist society. That is to say, just as the working class is exploited by the capitalist class, so the less developed countries are exploited by the developed countries―exploitation carried out through multinational corporations―it asserts. Therefore, in order for the less developed world to get out of its under-developed state, it must liberate itself from the developed countries and become socialist―and the way to do that is to expel multinational corporations, abolish all forms of dependency relations, and overthrow comprador capital and the authoritarian class.