The Backster Effect: exploring plant consciousness and human interaction

Note 2. To the Subsection “1. Sungsang and Hyungsang

In 1966 Cleve Backster, an American lie-detector technician, examined the reactions of a plant by attaching the electrodes of a lie-detector to its leaves.

To his surprise, Backster found that the plant was able to read his mind. For instance, when he pictured burning the leaves, the instant he pictured the flame in his mind, even before he moved to get matches, the plant reacted strongly. Subsequently, he conducted various experiments and concluded that plants seem to have consciousness and sense. This discovery by Backster is called the “Backster Effect.” See Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird, The Secret Life of Plants (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1973), 3-5.

Attempts to reproduce the kinds of communication between human beings and plants that Backster reported were also made in the Soviet Union. V. N. Pushkin and other researchers confirmed that plants react to the emotion of a person in a hypnotic state. See A. P. Dubrov & V. N. Pushkin, Parapsychology and Contemporary Natural Science (Moscow, 1983).